Sarah Wells VIPs

sarah wells vip breast pumping and feeding support group for moms

Hello to all my Very Important Pumpers!

I recently reached a long-time goal for my business in launching my very own Facebook Fan Group. This has been a long time coming, but I wanted to make sure that when it launched, it was perfect! Enter my amazing Sarah Wells Team -- they’ve built the perfect Sarah Wells Group, the Sarah Wells VIPs (Very Important Pumpers ❤️️)

This group is going to be full of pumping mamas just like YOU. We’ll discuss the ups and downs of our pumping journeys, share some good old fashioned mom humor, and there will even be some extra special goodies available only to the VIPs.

Having a fan page is truly a dream come true, I sure hope you join us! Go ahead and post an intro about yourself and get ready to connect with other women in this amazing mama community. We are all here to support each other!
